Jasmine Crockett, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and the Perverse, Ratchet, Obscene Politics of White Supremacy!

Elwood Watson, Ph.D.
The Polis
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2024



To state that the 118th Congress is an exercise in debasement, dereliction, and dysfunction would be an understatement. The three-hour voting session of the House Oversight Committee on May 16 took things to a new low. Shouting, insults, and chaos were the trio of the event (Jasmine Crockett versus Marjorie Taylor Greene. It was the sort of reductive behavior that would get most grade-school kids disciplined.

House Republicans were advocating for charging Attorney General Merrick B. Garland — an action that the committee chairman, Representative James Comer of Kentucky, gleefully promoted in a fundraising appeal. They would eventually get “to the business at hand” but not before a back and forth by none other than the mad, maniacal, menacing Marjorie Taylor Greene, the right-wing, Georgia congresswoman who threw a cheap shot at Texas congresswoman, Jasmine Crockett.

“I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading,” Ms. Greene said, mocking her makeup.

“That’s beneath even you, Ms. Greene,” shot back Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the panel.



Elwood Watson, Ph.D.
The Polis

Historian, Syndicated Columnist, Public Speaker, Social-Cultural Critic. Professor of Black Studies and Gender Studies, at East Tennessee State University.