November’s Biggest Threat: Complacency

Heather Nowlin
The Polis
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2020


We must commit to the physical act of voting if we want to oust the racist, fascist dictator who currently occupies the Oval Office

Photo by Heather Mount on Unsplash

Donald Trump has dedicated 2020 to proving himself the worst American president ever elected.

He has stoked the fires of racial and partisan divide. He has buddied up to global dictators like Russia’s Vladimir Putin, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, and China’s Xi Jinping.

And his mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic has led to the United States being able to boast of the highest infection rate in the world, even behind countries with a fraction of the resources and technology available to them — such as Brazil, whose far-right populist leader, Jair Bolsonaro, is another dictator who not only has modeled his behavior after Trump’s, but has recently managed to contract Covid-19 himself.

The polls are indicating, now, that most of the United States is fed up with Trump’s incompetence, his bullying, his ignorance. At this point, four months away from the presidential election in November, every national poll shows Trump far behind the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden — a nominee that most Democrats have expressed lukewarm enthusiasm for at best. (Even a lukewarm president with decades of political and management experience and success is better than a spoiled…



Heather Nowlin
The Polis

Favorite topics: politics, mental health, travel, business/the office, humans, dogs, empathy, pop culture, movies, books, TV, plays, theatre.