President Biden’s Recent Low Poll Numbers: Sound the Alarm or No Worry?

Wayne Ince
The Polis
Published in
8 min readNov 13, 2023


Photo Credit: Vote for Victory — Author

Understanding Biden’s Approval Ratings

President Biden has found himself at the center of public scrutiny as his approval ratings plummeted. Like a roller coaster ride, his numbers dipped and soared, reflecting the fluctuating sentiment of the public. It gauged the people’s confidence and faith in his leadership.

The Impact of Biden’s Policies on His Poll Numbers

One must recognize the influence of policies on public perception. President Biden’s decisions shaped the trajectory of his poll numbers. From economic policies to social reforms, each move had a ripple effect, eliciting either praise or criticism from the electorate. It was a delicate balance, a tightrope walk that tested the resilience of his presidency.

The Role of Public Perception in Biden’s Polling Decline

As the saying goes, perception is reality. The public’s perception of President Biden significantly affected his declining poll numbers. From how he communicated to how he presented himself, every action was scrutinized, magnified, and judged. It was a cruel dance, where public sentiment dictated the rhythm.

However, it is essential to delve deeper into the reasons behind the public’s perception. One factor that contributed to the decline in President Biden’s poll numbers was the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the nation grappled with the unprecedented crisis, the public looked to their leader for guidance and reassurance. Some felt that President Biden’s response was inadequate, leading to a loss of confidence in his ability to manage the situation effectively.

Another aspect that impacted public perception was the administration’s stance on immigration. President Biden’s policies aimed at creating a more inclusive and compassionate approach to immigration were met with mixed reactions. While some applauded the efforts to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, others expressed concerns about national security and the potential strain on resources.

Furthermore, the economy played a crucial role in shaping public sentiment. As the country recovered from the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, the public closely monitored President Biden’s economic policies. Some praised the administration’s efforts to stimulate growth and create jobs, while others criticized the potential impact on inflation and the national debt.

In addition to policy decisions, President Biden’s communication style also influenced public perception. Some felt that his speeches lacked clarity and conviction, leading to confusion and a sense of uncertainty. Others appreciated his empathetic approach, viewing it as a refreshing change from the previous administration.

It is important to note that public opinion is multifaceted and influenced by many factors. The media, political opponents, and personal biases all shape the public’s perception of a leader. President Biden’s low poll numbers reflect this complex interplay between policy decisions, communication, and public sentiment.

Key Ballot Issues and Factors in Democratic Victories

The Role of Local Issues in Election Outcomes

Elections are not fought in isolation, but within the backdrop of local issues. They provide a canvas upon which candidates paint their promises. From infrastructure to education, these issues resonated with voters, shaping their choices and ultimately influencing the outcome of the elections. It was a symphony of community concerns.

One local issue that played a significant role in the Democratic victories was the state of public transportation. Many voters were frustrated with their communities' lack of reliable and efficient transportation. Democratic candidates recognized this concern and proposed comprehensive plans to improve public transportation infrastructure, including expanding bus routes, investing in light rail systems, and promoting the use of electric vehicles. These proposals struck a chord with voters who relied on public transportation for their daily commute or who were concerned about reducing carbon emissions. By addressing this local issue, Democratic candidates were able to connect with voters on a personal level and gain their support.

Another local issue that influenced the outcome of the elections was the state of public education. Across the country, parents and educators voiced their concerns about underfunded schools, overcrowded classrooms, and a lack of resources for students. These education issues matter to parents. Democratic candidates recognized the importance of investing in education and proposed plans to increase funding, reduce class sizes, and provide additional support for teachers. These proposals resonated with voters who were passionate about ensuring a quality education for their children and believed that investing in education was crucial for the future of their communities. By prioritizing this local issue, Democratic candidates were able to rally support from parents, teachers, and education advocates.

The Impact of National Politics on State Elections

State elections are not immune to the winds of national politics. Just as a gust of wind can change the course of a ship, the national political climate can bring sweeping change to individual states. Policies from the capital reverberate through the land, stirring emotions and energizing the electorate. It was a battleground where national and local politics collided.

One of the critical national issues that significantly impacted state elections was healthcare. The debate over healthcare reform at the national level sparked intense discussions and divided opinions among voters. Democratic candidates capitalized on this issue by advocating for accessible, affordable health care. They highlighted the stories of individuals who struggled to afford medical treatments or who were denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions. By emphasizing the importance of healthcare as a fundamental human right, Democratic candidates could mobilize voters passionate about ensuring everyone has access to quality healthcare.

Another national issue that influenced state elections was immigration. The national debate surrounding immigration policies and the treatment of undocumented immigrants resonated with voters across the country. Democratic candidates embraced a more inclusive and compassionate approach to immigration, advocating for comprehensive immigration reform and protections for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children. By standing up for the rights of immigrants and challenging the divisive rhetoric surrounding immigration, Democratic candidates were able to attract support from voters who believed in the importance of diversity and inclusivity.

Voter Demographics and Their Influence on Election Results

In the mosaic of Democratic victories, voter demographics played a key role. Demographics are like puzzle pieces, each fitting together to create a picture of the electorate. Age, race, gender, and socioeconomic factors are all interwoven, painting a portrait of the voters’ preferences. It was a tapestry of diversity and influence.

Young voters were one demographic group that significantly influenced the election results. The enthusiasm and engagement of young people in the political process were evident in the high voter turnout among this demographic. Democratic candidates recognized the power of the youth vote and tailored their campaigns to resonate with young voters. They focused on issues such as climate change, student loan debt, and social justice, which were essential to young people. By addressing these concerns and proposing policies that appealed to the aspirations and values of young voters, Democratic candidates were able to mobilize a significant portion of this demographic and secure their support.

Another demographic group that played a crucial role in the Democratic victories was women. Women have historically been underrepresented in politics, but in recent years, there has been a surge of women running for office and a growing recognition of the importance of women’s voices in shaping policy. Democratic candidates embraced this momentum and made women’s rights and gender equality central themes of their campaigns. They advocated for policies such as equal pay, reproductive rights, and combating gender-based violence. By championing these issues and highlighting the importance of women’s leadership, Democratic candidates could rally support from women voters who saw their concerns and experiences reflected in their campaigns.

A Closer Look at the Victories in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, and New Jersey

Ohio: A Democratic Triumph Amidst Challenges

Ohio, known as the heartland of America, witnessed a triumph for the Democrats facing numerous challenges. It was a journey through treacherous terrain, with obstacles waiting at every turn. Yet, the Democrats emerged victorious, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Similar to New Jersey, Ohioans were concerned about health care access and affordability. Democratic candidates emphasized the importance of expanding Medicaid programs, increasing funding for mental health services, and lowering prescription drug costs. These issues struck a chord with voters who sought comprehensive healthcare reform. Finally, the partisan issue of abortion was on the ballot and resoundingly passed signaling this trigger issue is a very much on the minds of voters.

Kentucky: How Democrats Turned the Tide

Kentucky, often seen as a Republican stronghold, witnessed a miraculous turning of the tide. The Democrats orchestrated a strategy as intricate as a chess game, making strategic moves that caught opponents off guard. It was a power play that defied expectations and left the opposition scrambling.

The memory of Breonna Taylor’s tragic and unjust death in Louisville, Kentucky, just a few years prior, served as a powerful catalyst for the Democrats’ success in the recent election. Taylor’s death sparked nationwide protests and reignited conversations about race and police brutality. In a state where the Black population accounts for over 8%, her murder served as a rallying cry for Democrats to mobilize and engage voters in this critical election.

Virginia: Factors Behind the Democratic Victory

In Virginia, the Democrats celebrated a hard-fought victory spurred by many factors. Issues such as education, healthcare, and social justice reverberated through the state, mobilizing voters like a force of nature. It was an avalanche of change, sweeping away opposition and paving the way for a Democratic triumph.

Democrats retook both houses in this election, which leave Virginia’s Republican governor of a political state island with hot button agenda items like abortion, education, and LGBTQ+.

New Jersey: Understanding the Democratic Success

New Jersey, a state with a rich political history, witnessed the Democrats’ success in a tale of resilience and determination. After facing initial setbacks, the Democrats regrouped and charted a path forward. It was a story of tenacity, a testament to the unwavering spirit of the party.

New Jersey’s political landscape offers valuable insights into why Democrats prevailed despite Biden’s low popularity at the time. One crucial factor was Governor Phil Murphy’s successful tenure. Murphy implemented progressive policies on matters like gun control and education reform while championing social justice causes such as police accountability. This resonated with New Jersey voters who saw a direct link between Murphy’s efforts and tangible improvements in their lives.

To conclude, despite President Biden’s low poll numbers, the Republicans emerged victorious in 2022. The critical ballot issues and factors that played a significant role in their triumphs were complex and ever-changing aspects of politics. The tapestry of American politics is weaved with the nuances of success and defeat, shaping the future of democracy. The outcome of the elections highlights the importance of active participation in the democratic process and the need for political leaders to address the people's concerns.

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Wayne Ince
The Polis

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices