“Racist” Not Enough: Trump’s a White Supremacist

Heather Nowlin
The Polis
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2020


The highest office in the land is currently held by a white supremacist.

That Trump is “casually racist” can be seen pretty much daily. And for those of us who might have parents or grandparents his age, and might from time to time (probably not every day, even then) hear insensitive remnants of racism from times largely bygone, we might be tempted to simply shake our heads in shame and chalk it up to his generation’s lack of evolution on social matters.

But this is absolutely not the case. Donald Trump is a white supremacist.

I’d like to take a moment to define what I mean by “casual racism.” It feels strange to categorize an idea as hateful, ugly, and disgusting as racism as merely “casual.” Maybe a better phrase is “insensitive,” but since you can be insensitive about so many things outside of race, I think it’s best to stick with casual racism.

Here’s what I mean by the term: My mom turns 70 this year. She was born and raised in the South, where nearly every street corner boasts the name of some long-lost Confederate loser, to the point where you don’t even notice it anymore, let alone recognize it as the giant cultural problem it is.

A few cringeworthy moments can provide examples of how my mom can be oblivious, insensitive, or “casually racist.” There…



Heather Nowlin
The Polis

Favorite topics: politics, mental health, travel, business/the office, humans, dogs, empathy, pop culture, movies, books, TV, plays, theatre.