The Progressive Party Candidates

Before discussing the Progressive Party candidates, I’d like to clear up, as much as can be cleared up, why two of the more popular activists within the Green Party are now Progressive candidates.

Stephen Dalton
The Polis
Published in
11 min readAug 20, 2020


Image of Dario Hunter a Progressive candidate for POTUS 2020
Dario Hunter a Progressive candidate for POTUS 2020 Used with Permission

First, congratulation to Senator Kamala Harris for being selected as the Democratic Party’s Vice-Presidential running mate with Joe Biden as the Democrat’s choice for President of the United States (POTUS).

The press is making much of her being the first Black female (Actually, Jamaican-Indian) ever chosen for that honor. However, wouldn’t it be more appropriate if, in 2020, we could just say the best qualified was selected? Apparently not.

Of course, depending on who you ask, she is not the best qualified. “Best qualified” is subjective, after all. It’s just opinion. Some will insist the nod should not have gone to someone from California, typically a forgone win for the Democratic Party.

Some will say Senator Harris was too hard on Blacks as the San Francisco DA and as the California AG. Although she denies it, she sent some parents to jail because of her policy of making truancy a criminal offense in CA…



Stephen Dalton
The Polis

Stephen Dalton is a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. Top Writer in Investing, Business, & Bitcoin!