Thirst For Revenge

A common thread of criminality, fraud, extremism and disdain for the law weaves them together as perfect picks for a lawless Trump.

CJ Sterling
The Polis
Published in
9 min readMay 22, 2024


Criminals, co-conspirators, thirsty girls and minions bowing to kiss the feet. Image: Author using Dalle-E

Meet the MAGA office hopefuls who came running to Donald Trump’s criminal trial, costumed alike in dark suits and red ties to audition for a spot in a possible Trump presidency. A common thread of criminality, fraud, extremism and disdain for the law weaves them together as perfect picks for a lawless Trump.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton: Securities Fraud; Voter Suppression

Paxton is a “pick me” for Trump. He certainly has the qualities Trump looks for when he chooses “the best” — indictments for fraud and a thirst for revenge.

Paxton has faced criminal investigations, legal battles and accusations of wrongdoing for years. But he has slipped the legal consequences with the backing of a heavy Republican legislature and right-wing appointed judges.

Former President Donald Trump said he would consider tapping Ken Paxton for U.S. Attorney General if he wins a second term in the White House, calling his longtime ally “a very talented guy” and praising his tenure as Texas’ chief legal officer. His history…



CJ Sterling
The Polis

Writer, journalist. Commentary: Washington Post, Economist, Daily Beast, New York Times, Seattle Times, Crosscut, The Stranger. 22.5 million views, Quora.