Tim Scott, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, The Republican Party and American Racism!

Elwood Watson, Ph.D.
The Polis
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2021


“Hear me clearly America is not a racist country. I have personally experienced ‘the pain of discrimination’ — being pulled over for no reason and followed around in stores.”

This statement was made by Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, who was selected by the Republican Party to give a rebuttal to President Biden’s State of The Union speech on April 29. Unsurprisingly, fierce reactions ensued immediately, with both sides of the political spectrum aggressively weighing in on social media. Hashtags such as #UncleTim, which were quickly removed from Twitter, and other intensely abrasive terms were hurled toward the senator from the left side of the political spectrum. The response from the political right was complimentary and endearingly laudatory.

While there were a number of things to take issue with Senator Scott’s rebuttal, it was the comment that “America is not a racist country” that opened a Pandora’s box of commentary that flooded the blogger sphere; the op-ed pages of local, state, and national newspapers; the late-night talk show circuit; the loquacious lips political pundits; and the chattering classes at large.

To be fair, Scott was not alone in his semi-Kumbaya rhetoric. Vice President Kamala Harris made a similar statement, as well. However, she…



Elwood Watson, Ph.D.
The Polis

Historian, Syndicated Columnist, Public Speaker, Social-Cultural Critic. Professor of Black Studies and Gender Studies, at East Tennessee State University.