Our Future

Trump & Our Children: May They Strive To Be Better Than Him

Alfred Nfared Vines
The Polis
Published in
5 min readNov 16, 2020


Donald Trump has now fired Secretary Of Defense Mark Esper.

Aside from Trump needing to take his frustration with losing the election out on someone, I can’t think of a good reason he needed to fire Mark.

I mean, it’s not like he’s going to be defending anything any longer..

Well… Except maybe himself… In a courtroom…


Mark Esper’s firing is yet another example of Trump’s child like behavior, and in speaking of children, I can only imagine what they are thinking of him and our politics.

Over the last four years we’ve seen a reckless monster exercise full autonomy in a way I have not witnessed in my lifetime.

It goes back to the very beginning with an election that was not totally void of outside interference from Russia. Some will say that whether or not Trump was involved is still a question, but the fact that it is a question at all, and the fact that his winning of that election remains unchallenged speaks to an incredibly terrible level of privilege and corruption.

In 2016 Trump publicly mocked a disabled reporter.

In 2017 Trump fired his FBI Director James Comey because he knew that James was going to investigate links between…



Alfred Nfared Vines
The Polis

Writer, Actor, Host/Comedian, and Spoken Word Artist. The last great Atlanta native.