Trump Threatens DA Alvin Bragg’s Wife

Judge must gag Trump and/or ‘Lock Him Up!’

Herbert Dyer, Jr.
The Polis


DA Alving Bragg and wife, Jamila Ponton Bragg,.

Now comes word that a desperate, disgraced, one-term, twice impeached, and now criminally indicted ex-“president,” Donald Trump, has re-posted threats against Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s wife.

As reported by Brian Tyler Cohen and veteran federal prosecutor Glen Kirschner, Trump has reached into his bottomless bag of dirty tricks and pulled out a well-worn battle tactic–a strategy Trump deploys routinely whenever even the mere possibility of him being held to account occurs.

Now that he has been formally indicted and will actually be forced to face an actual judge, and actually give an accounting for his crimes, Trump is not merely pulling out all stops but ratcheting up his practically patented and trademarked intimidation tactics against all who now have actual power over him. As he has demonstrated in countless debates, speeches, Tweets, “Truth Social” postings, etc., etc., ad nauseum, Trump is relentless in his attacks against opponents’ personal, physical, and financial perceived weaknesses and foibles. This man embraces and “weaponizes” the “hominem” in the Latin phrase “ad hominem.”

As for the attack against Sistah Jamila Bragg, Brian and Glen explain Trump’s threat in excruciating and frightening detail:



Herbert Dyer, Jr.
The Polis

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link,