Tyrant Who Would Be King: Trump Dictatorship in America

Wayne Ince
The Polis
Published in
9 min readDec 15, 2023

Photo Credit: Author | Image created by Wayne Ince

The Potential Threat of Dictatorship by Trump

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the potential threat of dictatorship by Donald Trump. Especially after his recent proclamation about “Day One,” he continuously flaunts his contempt for the justice department and judicial proceedings. His threat to demolish the democratic guardrails to remain above the law is real and these threats are catnip to his Make America Great Again (MAGA) supporters. Understanding the concept of dictatorship is crucial to comprehend the implications of such a possibility. Throughout history, dictatorial regimes have emerged, leaving lasting scars on nations and their people. In order to fully grasp the gravity of the situation, let’s delve into a brief historical overview of dictatorships.

Understanding the Concept of Dictatorship

Dictatorships, like sinister shadows, cast darkness over the land they govern. These autocratic systems concentrate power in the hands of a single ruler, often suppressing dissenting voices and violating fundamental human rights. This ruthless consolidation of power allows dictators to control every aspect of a nation’s affairs, manipulating the course of history to suit their personal interests.

Dictatorships have a long and troubling history that spans across different continents and time periods. From ancient tyrants to modern despots like in North Korea, Russia, and Venezuela, the world has witnessed the rise and fall of many dictatorial regimes. These regimes have left indelible marks on the societies they ruled, shaping the course of events and leaving lasting scars on the collective memory of nations.

Historical Overview of Dictatorships

Throughout the annals of time, many dictatorial regimes have held sway over different parts of the world. From the iron fist of Adolf Hitler during World War II to the oppressive rule of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union, history has provided us with cautionary tales of leaders who abused their power, resulting in unimaginable suffering and devastation.

Dictatorships have had a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals. The atrocities committed under these regimes are a stark reminder of the dark side of human nature and the dangers of unchecked authority. Dictators leave scars that are not easily erased, and societies take generations to heal the wounds inflicted upon them. Perceived strength offered by dictators is but a mere thin vapor of fog clouding judgement and full of hot air masking their weakness.

Statistics reveal the harrowing impact of dictatorial rule. The number of lives lost, freedoms eroded, and societies torn apart is staggering. It is a grim reminder of the immense power these leaders hold and the potential consequences for their nations typified by certain character flaws.

Characteristics of a Dictatorship

Distinct features often characterize dictatorships, signaling the erosion of democratic values and the establishment of autocratic rule. In these systems, the leader’s personal agenda often takes precedence over the welfare and interests of the people they govern. The absence of checks and balances, combined with a lack of political opposition, creates an environment conducive to the abuse of power.

Dictators employ various tactics to maintain their grip on power. They use propaganda to manipulate public opinion, suppress dissent through censorship and intimidation, and create a climate of fear, discouraging opposition. They harnessed the machinery of the state to serve the interests of the dictator, with institutions and laws tailored to ensure their continued rule.

Powerful quotes from renowned historians serve as haunting reminders of the dangers posed by dictatorial rule. As Albert Camus once said, “A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.” This quote encapsulates the unchecked power that dictators wield, their actions unrestrained by moral boundaries.

Dictatorships not only affect the political landscape but also have far-reaching consequences for the social and economic fabric of a nation. The concentration of power in the hands of a single ruler often leads to rampant corruption, economic mismanagement, and the stifling of innovation and progress. The long-term effects of such systems can be devastating, leaving societies trapped in a cycle of poverty and stagnation.

It is crucial to understand the complexities and nuances of dictatorship in order to prevent its recurrence. By studying the historical context, analyzing the characteristics of dictatorial rule, and examining the impact on societies, we can build a strong voting block resistance to prevent the occurrence of dictatorship and establish a future where we get rid of the shadows of fascism, allowing tyranny the light of freedom and democracy to prevail. Trump’s angry supporters despise politics and government institutions that talk over and ignore them leading to Trump’s 2016 ascension.

Trump’s Political Ascendancy

In the realm of American politics, the unexpected emergence of Donald Trump sent shockwaves through the nation. Rhetorical bombast and an unapologetic disregard characterized trump’s entry into politics for political norms. This unconventional path to power set the stage for a presidency like no other.

Trump’s Entry into Politics

Trump’s political journey began with his audacious bid for the presidency. His brashness and willingness to challenge the establishment resonated with a segment of the population disenchanted with the status quo. This led to his victory in the 2016 presidential election, despite the skepticism of many political pundits.

However, Trump’s entry into politics was not without controversy. Allegations of misconduct and divisive rhetoric marred his campaign. Critics argued that his inflammatory statements and derogatory remarks towards minority groups fueled a dangerous atmosphere of hatred and intolerance. Despite these criticisms, Trump’s message of economic populism and promises to “Make America successful Again” struck a chord with many Americans who felt left behind by globalization and the political elite.

Trump’s business background played a significant role in shaping his political persona. As a successful real estate mogul and television personality, he presented himself as a savvy outsider who could bring his business acumen to the political arena. Trump appealed to voters who were disillusioned with career politicians and saw him as a refreshing alternative, presenting himself as a successful real estate mogul and television personality who could bring his business acumen to the political arena. His propensity to mock and make light of an otherwise stoic Republican political party on his way to his electoral college election win. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes.

Trump’s Presidential Tenure

During his tenure as president, Trump displayed a leadership style that skirted the borders of autocracy. A disregard for institutions that sought to hold him accountable marked his approach, challenging the principles that have long upheld American democracy.

Metaphorically speaking, Trump’s relationship with the media resembled a turbulent dance. The press, often referred to as the Fourth Estate, plays a crucial role in holding leaders accountable. However, Trump’s antagonistic attitude towards the media and the dissemination of “fake news” undermined the free exchange of information, enhancing the risk of a fractured democracy.

People praised and criticized Trump’s foreign policy decisions. His “America First” approach aimed to prioritize the interests of the United States above all else. But, his Make America Great Again slogan’s origin lies deeper in the bowels of the Jim Crow Era. This included renegotiating trade deals, withdrawing from international agreements, and implementing strict immigration policies. Supporters applauded his efforts to protect American jobs and national security, while detractors argued his policies damaged relationships with longstanding allies and weakened America’s standing on the global stage.

Significant policy changes marked trump’s presidency. From tax reform to healthcare, his administration sought to reshape key aspects of American society. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, for example, aimed to stimulate economic growth through tax cuts for individuals and corporations. While proponents argued that this would spur investment and job creation, critics like myself contended that it primarily benefited the wealthy and increased income inequality.

Trump’s approach to immigration policy sparked intense debate and controversy. His administration implemented a series of measures aimed at curbing illegal immigration, including the construction of a border wall and implementing a travel ban targeting predominantly Muslim countries. Supporters praised these actions as necessary for national security, while opponents argued they were discriminatory and violated fundamental human rights.

In conclusion, Donald Trump’s political ascendancy was a seismic event in American politics. His unorthodox showman style, controversial rhetoric meant to anger, and policy decisions left an indelible mark on the nation. Whether one views his presidency as a triumph or a detriment, Trump’s tenure in the White House was a period of unprecedented political turbulence and polarization.

Signs of Autocratic Tendencies in Trump’s Leadership

Throughout his presidency, there were many signs that hinted at Trump’s autocratic inclinations. These signs are vital clues that illuminate the potential danger of dictatorship looming on the horizon.

Trump’s Approach to Power

Trump’s propensity to centralize power within the executive branch raised concerns about the erosion of the separation of powers. By circumventing traditional channels and relying heavily on executive orders, he sought to exert control and bypass the checks and balances that serve as the backbone of American democracy.

Powerful statistics underscore the extent of Trump’s concentration of power. During his presidency, Trump issued a staggering number of executive orders, rivaling those of some of history’s most autocratic leaders. These executive fiats became tools through which he could bypass congressional oversight, further merging power within the Oval Office.

Trump’s Relationship with the Media

Trump’s contentious relationship with the media served as a constant backdrop to his presidency. His repeated claims of “fake news” challenged the very foundations of truth and objective reporting. By sowing seeds of doubt in the minds of the American people, he undermined the ability of the press to hold leaders accountable.

Quoting Thomas Jefferson, who once said, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press,” reminds us of the indispensable role the media plays in safeguarding democracy. When this vital institution comes under attack, the foundations of democracy tremble.

Comparing Trump’s Leadership with Dictatorial Regimes

This idea began after watching a PBS documentary of Putin. Examining the policies and leadership style of Trump allows us to draw comparisons with those of notorious dictatorial regimes.

Similarities in Policy Implementation

Certain policy decisions made during Trump’s presidency bore striking resemblances to those of dictators, especially actions taken in Russia against the press and activists. Whether it was the attempts to restrict immigration or the use of divisive rhetoric, these actions stirred echoes of dictatorial tendencies from the past. By stoking fear and animosity, Trump appealed to a specific base, the MAGA base, while undermining the principles of inclusivity and diversity that are the foundation of democracy.

Trump’s Foreign Relations Stance

Trump’s foreign relations stance also raised concerns about the potential erosion of democratic values. By aligning with leaders known for their autocratic leanings, he sent a signal that American support for democracy and human rights was no longer a priority. They met this departure from traditional foreign policy norms with both admiration from like-minded autocrats and condemnation from those who supported democratic ideals.

Implications for American Democracy

The potential threat of dictatorship by Trump holds profound implications for American democracy as we know it. Civil rights and social programs like social security and Medicare are at risk for minorities and seniors because of his policies.

Impact on Democratic Institutions

American democratic institutions, built upon a delicate balance, now face unprecedented challenges. The erosion of trust in these institutions, fueled by rhetoric that seeks to undermine their credibility, weakens the very foundation upon which democracy depends. We cannot underestimate the consequences of such erosion, as the pillars of democracy crumble under the weight of authoritarianism.

Future of American Politics Post-Trump

The future of American politics remains uncertain as it continues to undergo changes. Trump’s leadership legacy, with its autocratic inclinations, causes a careful evaluation of the future direction. The choices made will shape the destiny of the nation, determining whether the threat of dictatorship fades into the annals of history or looms larger than ever before.


As the nation grapples with the potential threat of dictatorship by Trump, it is crucial to remember the wise words of John F. Kennedy: “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” The responsibility falls upon each of us to remain informed, engaged, and vigilant, enshrining the principles of democracy in our collective consciousness. By investing in each other, we are not only pooling our resources and knowledge but also building a sense of unity and solidarity. As we come together as a voting block, we can amplify our voices and influence on the political landscape.

As our voting block grows, so does our ability to shape policies and elect representatives who truly reflect our values and aspirations. By harnessing our collective political power, we can break down the barriers that hinder progress and cultivate a fertile ground where democracy thrives.

In this field of democracy, our investment in each other serves as the plow that turns the soil, breaking down old structures and outdated systems. It is through our shared efforts we can till the land, removing obstacles and creating pathways for meaningful change.

Just as plowing the fields requires strength and determination, establishing a stronger voting block causes our commitment to supporting one another. We can foster a sense of empowerment and create a political force that cannot be ignored by investing in each other’s success.

Let us invest in each other, nurturing our collective potential, and let us not allow voter suppression to happen in our vibrant democracy where every voice is heard and every vote counts. Let us invest in each other, nurturing our collective potential, and plow the fields of democracy to yield a future that is fair, just, and filled with opportunity for all.



Wayne Ince
The Polis

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices