Will Dems Last-Minute Harris Gamble Pay Off?

Harris move flips script on Republicans

Manny Otiko
The Polis


Vice President Kamala Harris (Image by Wonder)

If your head is still spinning from recent political events, then join the club. During the past week, we’ve had one presidential shooting and a resignation from the race.

I was just as shocked as you when I discovered on Sunday that President Joe Biden would step down from the race for his Vice President Kamala Harris.

However, I wasn’t totally surprised. I began to see the writing on the wall. There was a torrent of leaks in the media about unrest in the Democratic Party. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi was alleged to be making phone calls and secretly urging Biden to step down.

And there were loud noises from the donor class, such as George Clooney, who threatened to withdraw funds unless Biden was replaced. In addition, there was the drip-drip-drip of congressional Democrats joining the anti-Biden team.

Media Coup Killed Biden

My first reaction to the news was anger. Biden got railroaded. This was essentially a media coup. The mainstream media had a non-stop campaign of anti-Biden pieces over the last three weeks. They focused on every mistake he made, every word he misspelled, and every name he got wrong. All the while ignoring former President Donald Trump who…



Manny Otiko
The Polis

Manny Otiko writes about race, politics and sports. He has been published in Salon and LA Weekly. Follow him on Twitter @mannyotiko.