What is people over product?

Michael Marinaccio
People Over Product
5 min readAug 8, 2019


Welcome former Politic readers!

I began The Politic in April of 2015 for lots of different reasons. At first I just wanted to build some original writing. Then, halfway in, I realized that my writing was dreadful, and I became adamant about improving. My reward for readers? I would shed some light into politics and technology in Washington, D.C.— two worlds I very much occupy. But over the years, a very different theme took shape. A theme that, if you have been reading my newsletter since the beginning, shouldn’t surprise.

Technology has taken a central focus in my life. I was thrown into digital marketing at the same moment I returned to the Catholic Church. I began asking questions of my work: “Why do we do these things?” Had anyone asked me ten years ago — at the peak of my political philosophy coursework — if I had any reservations about the abuses of technology, I would have laughed. But today I have two little children and my views look very different: especially about God and the role of the good.

The new title — “People Over Product”— will take on a mission of its own. Its goal is to bring people together under one cardinal maxim: Technology should always be subservient to man. Whether it be the hammer, the screen, the WTO, or an interconnected global economy — we should always demand that our tools serve human…

