Choose Your Niche Wisely
Words matter, and writing for an industry that can’t be named will limit your potential
If I had chosen to write about all my misadventures as a binge-drinking high schooler, no one would flinch. In fact, they’d probably relate and giggle about my near-death experiences with alcohol poisoning and puking in my own hair.
If I had chosen to write about any of the 13 pharmaceuticals my husband and I used to take and the side effects they caused, no one would’ve batted an eye. In fact, they’d applaud our courage in the neverending battle against our illnesses and wish us well.
If I were to write an article about how religion saved my life from addiction or how Ozempic caused my weight loss, or how my vegetarian lifestyle ended 30 years of pain — no one would balk.
If I wrote about EMDR treatments for my PTSD or the radio frequency ablations my husband used to get every 8–10 months to burn the nerve-endings in his neck — I’d have 100 people in comments showing their support.
But instead, the algorithms will block me because I’ve been able to eliminate all these problems with a misunderstood plant that begins with Mari and ends in Juana — no one wants me to talk about it and “they,” the information overlords, are employing bots to ensure that no one…