Office Politics for a Woman Leader: Thriving Despite the Naysayers

Reflecting on my leadership journey has become essential as I step into this next chapter of my life

The Political Prism
4 min readJun 18, 2024


In the realm of leadership, particularly in politics, us women often face unique challenges and biases that can make our journey more arduous. Yet, the resilience, grit, determination, and courage required to conquer these turbulent waters often mold women into formidable leaders.

My story is still unfolding, and I continue to learn along the way.

Facing the challenge

From the very beginning, I knew my path would be fraught with obstacles. In politics, assertiveness is often mistaken for aggressiveness, especially for women. Our decisions are scrutinized more harshly, and these challenges are tough.

Yet, they fuel my determination. Being the eldest taught me resilience and leadership, instilling the strength to persevere and confront these biases head-on.

Facing bias head-on

Throughout my journey, I have consistently encountered bias. Comments of different kinds, doubts about my competence, and critiques of my demeanor were common. Some judgments and stereotypical comments were blatant, some were not so overt.

Despite these challenges, I chose to confront them head-on. I realized that every biased remark was an opportunity to demonstrate my worth and capabilities. I credit my upbringing in this next point.

The Importance of self-belief

One of life’s transformative lessons for me is the power of self-belief. Navigating environments that aren’t always welcoming demands that you be your own staunchest advocate. This belief in oneself was instilled in me from a young age by my mother.

She balanced reprimanding me with celebrating my successes, always ensuring I never felt inadequate or undervalued. Her unwavering support taught me to disregard the need for validation from doubters and instead focus on my goals and the positive impact I aimed to achieve.

Though there were times when I felt depleted and even experienced my first bout of hypertension three years ago, I learned to trust that these challenges would pass. This mindset has often reassured me that everything will be alright, liberating me from spiraling into negativity and consistently empowering me.

Tuning out the naysayers

Criticism and naysayers are inevitable, but I’ve learned not to let them dictate my actions or thoughts. I’ve encountered countless people who were quick to point out why I wouldn’t succeed or why my ideas were flawed.

Over time, I realized that these naysayers often spoke from a place of fear or ignorance. By tuning them out and staying true to my vision, I’ve been able to push forward and achieve my objectives.

Building a support network

While it’s important to ignore the naysayers, building a supportive network is equally crucial. Surrounding myself with loved ones, mentors, colleagues, and friends who believe in my vision has provided me with the strength and encouragement needed to keep going. Their unwavering support has been a cornerstone of my journey.

Leading with empathy and strength

Conquering politics as a woman leader has taught me the delicate balance of leading with both empathy and strength. It’s possible to be compassionate while making tough decisions. This balance not only earns respect but also fosters a more inclusive and supportive environment for those around me.

Mother’s wisdom: it’s all but a title

One of the most impactful pieces of advice I received came from my mother. She told me, “It’s all but a title, and it’s best to see it that way.”
This wisdom has kept me grounded and reminded me that true leadership is about action and integrity, not the title you hold.

My Conclusion: be in the moment and thrive in your journey

To all the aspiring women leaders out there, remember that the path may be challenging, but it is also immensely rewarding. Thrive in your journey, face the biases head-on, and believe in your capabilities. Tune out the naysayers and surround yourself with a very supportive network. Lead with empathy and strength, and never let fear dictate your actions. Your journey is your own, and it is one worth embracing with pride and confidence.

Conquering politics as a woman leader is not about proving your worth to others but about knowing your worth and letting your actions speak for themselves. Keep pushing forward, and let your success be the loudest response to those who doubt you.



The Political Prism

Aspiring Author | Accomplished Leader & New Entrepreneur | Driving Transformation + Growth | Strategic Guidance for Startups | Angel Investor | Ogilvy Alum