The Rise of Entropy in American Society

Insights and implications from entropy across history


American flag
Entropy and American Society — image by Mark Jaress with assistance from Midjourney

In recent years, the concept of entropy, which is a measure of disorder and randomness within a system, has found a surprising but appropriate application beyond its thermodynamic roots: the analysis of societal stability and political dynamics. Understanding the role of entropy in this sense can offer valuable insights into the forces that are influencing our society as America navigates a particularly tumultuous period in its history.

The dynamics and stability of societal structures are profoundly illuminated by the concept of entropy, which was originally a physical measure of disorder and randomness within a system. This concept can be used to identify patterns and lessons that are essential for comprehending the current political and social unrest in the United States by examining both ancient and modern societies. In this part, we explore the ways in which political systems, ranging from the Western Roman Empire to modern-day America, have addressed the issue of increasing entropy and its repercussions.

Entropy in Historical Empires: Lessons from Rome, Maya, and Byzantium


Entropy in the Roman Empire was exemplified by a gradual decline in military prowess and administrative efficiency, which was further exacerbated by economic problems and external invasions. This was the case in the Western Roman Empire.

This rise in disorder was not quick; it was the result of a protracted period of internal fragility, which included an over-expansion, reliance on mercenary armies that were not loyal to Rome, and a bureaucracy that was too ponderous to adapt to the empire’s evolving requirements. These elements resulted in a loss of control over peripheral territories and rendered the empire more vulnerable to external pressures than it had been in the past.


The Maya civilization’s collapse serves as a stark reminder of the link between environmental mismanagement and societal entropy. The combination of severe droughts and the overuse of land resources resulted in food shortages, which in turn triggered political fragmentation and social upheaval.

The Maya’s societal structure began to deteriorate as local leaders battled to maintain control and the populace’s faith waned, resulting in the abandonment of major cities and a substantial decrease in population.


The Byzantine Empire: Entropy was notably increased by Byzantium’s frequent internal and external conflicts. The empire’s unity was fractured by religious and doctrinal disputes, including the Iconoclast Controversy.

Power struggles and succession crises contributed to the disorder on an internal level, while the state’s infrastructure was undermined and resources were depleted by continuous warfare on an external level. The empire’s vulnerability to the Ottoman Turks’ eventual conquest was made worse by this chronic state of disorder.

The Entropy of Politics: From Rome to Washington

Throughout history, the increase in entropy in political systems has been a precursor to substantial transformation or decline. The transition from a Republic to an Empire in ancient Rome, under the leadership of Julius Caesar, is a prime example of how political entropy increases as a result of internal divisions and leadership challenges.

In the present day, the United States has demonstrated comparable patterns of elevated political entropy under the presidency of Donald Trump. In ways that frequently appeared to prioritize disruption over discourse, Trump’s tenure, which was characterized by extreme polarization and a departure from established norms, stirred the political stew.

Social Fragmentation and Informational Chaos

Similar to the fragmentation observed in historical empires such as Byzantium, the United States has experienced heightened divisions and a rise in identity politics, which is indicative of social entropy. The digital age has accelerated an informational entropy that worsens these divisions.

The American political landscape has been transformed by the proliferation of misinformation and the erosion of trust in traditional media under Trump. This transformation resulted in a situation where truth is frequently obscured by noise, thus preventing the formation of consensus or collective action.

Modern Political Entropy: The Trump Era and Its Antecedents

The increase of entropy in the modern era, particularly in American politics, can be vividly observed during the presidency of Donald Trump. The existing political divisions were exacerbated by his leadership style, which was characterized by unpredictability and direct confrontations, replicating the type of political entropy that accelerated the decline of ancient regimes.

Trump’s administration frequently violated established diplomatic protocols and questioned domestic policy norms, which worsened a sense of instability and unpredictability reminiscent of the historical collapses of great empires.

Analyzing the Effects of Entropy on Society Today

Below are the primary effects of entropy in modern America.

Political Fragmentation: In a similar way as ancient Rome or Byzantium, the United States is currently experiencing a rise in polarization, where bipartisan cooperation is often replaced by conflict and impasse. This fragmentation is comparable to the political instability of the late Roman Empire, which was characterized by a succession of emperors and usurpers who were unable to establish an enduring order.

Social and Cultural Disintegration: The rise of identity politics and the erosion of a shared national narrative can be compared to the cultural and social entropy of the Maya, where cohesion was lost as communal goals gave way to survival strategies of disparate groups.

Informational Chaos: The misinformation and selective media consumption that characterize today’s information landscape create an environment where it is increasingly difficult to discern truth from falsehood, mirroring the confusion and propaganda issues that plagued ancient political entities trying to maintain control over a poorly informed populace.

Strategies for Mitigating Entropy

All hope is not lost, however. There are multiple ways, as demonstrated through history, to mitigate entropy.

Strengthening Democratic Processes: By reforming electoral systems and reducing the influence of money in politics, the robustness of democratic institutions can be improved, thereby mitigating political entropy. In ancient times, similar reforms, such as Diocletian’s tetrarchy in Rome, temporarily mitigated entropy; however, they were unable to establish a sustainable foundation through genuine democratic engagement.

Promoting Sustainable Practices: Modern policies must prioritize sustainability in order to prevent ecological degradation from worsening social and political issues, as was learned from the environmental lessons of the Maya.tensions.

Educational and Cultural Reforms: The restoration of cultural cohesion and the reduction of social entropy can be achieved by enhancing media literacy and investing in education that fosters a shared sense of civic responsibility and history.

Conclusion: Entropy as a Call to Action

A blueprint for action can be offered through understanding the role of entropy in shaping societies, in addition to a warning from history. Modern societies can avoid the fate of their ancient counterparts and forge a path toward a more stable and cohesive future by confronting the underlying causes of entropy. This endeavor necessitates a shared dedication to the revitalization of the fundamental principles of democracy, sustainability, and unity, thus ensuring that the past’s lessons serve as a guide for the future.

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Mark Jaress, Digeratus Extraordinaire
The Political Prism

I write about anything of interest. 40+ years at the tech-art nexus. Founded Zazzu Fine Art Printmaking & co-developed Genuine Fractals Photoshop plugin.