The Biggest Loser of World War II Was Not the Three Defeated Countries, But Britain

Why did Britain, as one of the victors, end up as the biggest loser?

Mr. Nobody
The Political Prism


A London street with British flags.
Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

The biggest loser of World War II wasn’t any of the warring parties but the so-called “Empire on which the sun never sets,” Britain.

For those of us living in peaceful times, World War II is the closest full-scale war to our generation.

During World War II, the Axis powers of Germany, Japan, and Italy turned the entire world upside down.

Fortunately, after years of arduous struggle by righteous people around the globe, the evil ambitions of these three countries were ultimately thwarted, and they received the punishment they deserved.

So, why did Britain, as one of the victors, end up as the biggest loser?

The fall of a naval hegemon

Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan were devastated by atomic bombs, making Japan the first country to experience the power of this mysterious weapon.



Mr. Nobody
The Political Prism

Since I was young, I have always enjoyed reading biographies of historical figures, especially those about World War II, including documentaries and novels.