Why Did Yugoslavia Dissolve?

A great founding, but poor administration

Mr. Nobody
The Political Prism



Yugoslavia was once known as “the Balkan Tiger” and “the wealthiest country in the socialist camp.”

In less than 50 years, it created many miracles.

Geographically, Yugoslavia was located on the Balkan Peninsula, rich in marine resources and various mineral resources such as oil, iron, coal, and lead. It controlled the gateways to the Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Indian Ocean, making it a strategic convergence point for Europe, Asia, and Africa, contested for thousands of years. Unifying and controlling this valuable land was no easy feat, but Josip Broz Tito achieved it.

During Tito’s rule, the people on this land experienced unprecedented happiness and dignity. However, this prosperity lasted less than a century before disappearing. Some say Yugoslavia’s dissolution was due to two actions by Tito that sowed the seeds of disaster. Tito was a great man of his time but also the “originator” of the division.

Josip Broz Tito

1. The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia



Mr. Nobody
The Political Prism

Since I was young, I have always enjoyed reading biographies of historical figures, especially those about World War II, including documentaries and novels.