Urban Life: A Paradox of Privilege and Challenges
Urban Life Sustainability: Challenges and Solutions
Exploring the Impact of Infrastructural Stress on Quality of Life
Urban life, riddled with economic adversity, stress, violence, and crime, is among the thousands of ventures with which those of us who have the privilege of living in cities are familiar. Oh! When I say privilege to very few, I may come across as a hypocrite or even a masochist.
After all, who would want to live with all the nasty adventures of life in the city? How and why must we address urban life sustainability?
For centuries, urbanization has been the standard norm as the infrastructures for modern living have provided economic opportunities, better living standards, education, healthcare, social life, cultural attraction, technological advancement, agricultural challenges, resource scarcity, and a natural increase in the birth rate.
However, the main question is whether infrastructural stress partially, if not entirely contributes to the increasing challenges we face today on the global stage. If so, is the Urban infrastructure too outdated to accommodate the current generation's demands?