Fourth ideology: Other name for confusion in politics.

robin kumar
The Politicos
3 min readOct 7, 2016


As a tyro to politics one would always begin three major ideologies, left, right and center.

To begin with the Center, a platform popular in any governed democratic country where issues and concerns of right and left side of ideologies would get converge for the benefit decided by the few on behalf of the population as understood by the people at the center. With this form of governance there are major chances they would always be in some corruption of money or the other, because the convergence of right and left side of ideologies give them room to manipulate the topics, bills, agendas must for the existing governance of that country.

Now when we see Left, it exposes to malfunctions of any State that are never been imagined or thought before. Left side of the ideology would always come up with a solid foundation in the social science vocabulary and interesting theories that would always make the fundamental right ridden citizen more vulnerable because citizen would lack to understand that what the left ideologies leaders want from the government or from the citizens, because for them rest of the world is a pseudo intellectual.

Now lets talk of Right, this side is always aggressive among the three existing ideologies. They are campaigners, would always believe in marketing. They would not miss a chance to showcase their strength or power of any kind if seen an opportunity. For them nobody is poor but its is just a lest important fact because it would not change. Other then business being their main work, sometimes they work on set a fundamentals of a religion or some ancient traditional format template.

The fourth ideology — how could this be dangerous one. Fourth ideology in politics is dangerous even though it may appear to be an alternative to rule the people in a democratic political nation state but would always disrupt things to meet the inclusive benefits of large due to different factions of society taking part in this alternative view point in the name of change.

This ideology would always claim to be a problem solver but would never stick with their own ideas, for them their own advertisement would keep changing with the every new product, here the product is the need of the people.

This ideology would seldom be born out of any social movement but would turn out becoming a weak or bad governed political outfit. At the inception of a movement, media of all sides would cherish their effort to give them a platform for an alternative force but ,subsequently, media would also stop backslapping them.

Why this fourth is dangerous is more because, people of democratic countries have heard and lived with the previous three ideologies and the people have enough experience to give preference to one ideology over the other, while giving all three an equal chance to prove themselves. But with the fourth people are utterly confusion with an increase in choice.

More so because the fourth ideology is no ideology and they would speak any thing they feel appropriate for a given context of time and sooner will either forget or become evasive about it, simply because they work on a far fetched right, left and center combo and like any combo food item they do would hold unhealthy diet.



robin kumar
The Politicos

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