The Alleged Alliance Between Taylor Swift and Joe Biden

By: Alexandria Licea & Jenelle Medina

Financial Times

This Taylor Swift-Joe Biden conspiracy theory suggests that Taylor Swift, the renowned American pop singer, is covertly aiding Joe Biden’s 2024 presidential election campaign through her relationship with NFL Kansas City Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce. Proponents of this theory argue that Ms. Swift and Mr. Kelce’s support for Biden is actively contributing to Biden’s campaign. This conspiracy theory serves as an illustration of how misinformation can proliferate and evolve within the media landscape, potentially influencing public perception and even electoral outcomes.

A conspiracy theory is characterized by a “…narrative centered on the idea that a malevolent group is conspiring to bring about some state of affairs to the detriment of the people in general. Their conspiracy lies behind a variety of events with which at least some of the conspirators have no apparent connection” (Konda, 2019, p. 11). While some conspiracy theories, like the notion of Avril Lavigne, pop-punk musician, being replaced, may seem harmless, the consequences of extreme theories can be grave, as evidenced by the infamous Capitol riot on January 6, 2020. Political conspiracy theories are particularly prevalent due to the nature of the political climate, which often features figures of authority and restricted access to certain information, fostering an environment conducive for the creation of conspiratorial narratives. Additionally, the concept of “new conspiracism”, as explored in the book entitled “A lot of people are saying: The new conspiracism and the assault on democracy,” underscores how the media ecosystem facilitates the dissemination of misinformation, enabling conspiracy theorists to gain more believers and spread their theories more effectively.

In the realm of conspiracy theories, there often exists a glimpse of truth, yet theorists, as Richard Hofstader (1952) observes, make what he calls a “curious leap,” and “connect the dots of random events into meaningful patterns (patternicity) and then infuse those patterns with intentional agency (agenticity)” (Konda, 2019, p. 18). The kernel of truth in this particular conspiracy theory begins with Taylor Swift’s advocacy for causes typically associated with Democrats. With an Instagram following of 283 million, Ms. Swift began her public advocacy in 2018 by posting to her Instagram on issues such as gun reform, the Equality Act, voter registration, and the Black Lives Matter Movement, all of which align with Democratic values. Moreover, Ms. Swift publicly endorsed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the 2020 Presidential election, appearing in a V Magazine feature where she displayed cookies emblazoned with “Biden Harris 2020.” This then gets boosted due to Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift’s boyfriend, being a prominent face in Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine advertisements during the 2023–2024 football season, further intertwining his image with public health initiatives. Conspiracy theorists now speculate that Ms. Swift and Mr. Kelce, with their massive fan bases converging through football, are actively bolstering Biden’s 2024 campaign efforts.

The Amplification of the Conspiracy Theory

The momentum behind this conspiracy theory grew significantly when the Kansas City Chiefs secured a spot in the Super Bowl 2024. Adding to the intrigue, Joe Biden himself has contributed to the speculation surrounding the Super Bowl theory and Taylor Swift’s alleged assistance in his election campaign. Biden is playfully engaging with the notion, evident in TikTok videos where he teasingly remarks, “I’d get in trouble if I told you,” as well as his responses to inquiries from late-night host Seth Meyers. These only serve to fuel the belief among the believers of this Taylor Swift and Joe Biden alliance. Meyers jokingly asked President Joe Biden, “Can you confirm or deny that there is an active conspiracy between you and Ms. Swift?” to which Biden replied, “Where are you getting this information? It’s classified. But I will tell you, she did endorse me in 2020.” These light hearted remarks inadvertently lend evidence to the conspiracy in the eyes of its adherents, reinforcing their conviction in its validity.

Celebrity Influence in Politics

While some may see this conspiracy as a joke and others view it as legitimate, celebrities endorsing political candidates do impact voting turnout. A research study suggested that Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement was responsible for approximately 1 million additional votes for Obama during his 2016 presidential campaign (Garthwaite & Moore, 2012). Given Taylor Swift’s widespread popularity and immense support from her fan base, we contend that she currently stands as one of the most renowned and influential celebrities of our generation. According to the Rolling Stones magazine, Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour is the highest-grossing concert tour of all time, according to data from live music trade publication Pollstar, with the tour becoming the first ever to gross at least $1 billion (Millman, 2023). Thus, her political endorsement could cause considerable sway in the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

In response to this conspiracy theory, on February 12, 2024, Donald Trump voiced on his social media app, Social Truth, that Taylor Swift should not support Joe Biden, arguing that he “has done nothing for her”. Trump cites the Music Modernization Act, which he signed to update the copyright laws and to make licensing more fair for artists and digital music providers, which has helped Ms. Swift “make so much money.” This reaction from Trump highlights the influence that Taylor Swift holds. With a devoted fan base likely to follow what she says, Ms. Swift’s impact on public opinion is undeniable. In 2020, during voter registration day, Ms. Swift posted to her Instagram directing her 283 million followers to the webpage, which helped 35 thousand people register to vote. Her fan base predominantly comprises young female adults, which is a demographic that largely votes democratically as shown in the findings of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP, 2024). It’s understandable why conservative Republicans might fear her potential impact if she endorses Joe Biden again. While Taylor Swift has not yet publicly endorsed Biden for a second time, it seems likely as the November election draws nearer, because of her past endorsement and because of her support of Joe Biden’s policies that align with her own values and beliefs, in particular, in regards to LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and environmental protection. Additionally, Ms. Swift’s willingness to use her massive platform to advocate for political issues suggests she may once again encourage her fan base to support Joe Biden’s candidacy.

In the Era of New Conspiracism

Upon exploring historical parallels, it became evident that we’re witnessing a new era of conspiracism where traditional motifs like anti-Semitic rhetoric or notions of a new world order are no longer prerequisites for dangerous conspiracies. Instead, seeds of distrust are planted without rational or thoughtful framework. As discussed earlier, this modern form of conspiracism demonstrates that evidence is no longer essential; rather, it relies on “curious leaps” to draw significant conclusions.

Moreover, this conspiracy theory on this alleged alliance between President Joe Biden and Taylor Swift deeply reflects the fear of elitism and the influence of the powerful elite in politics. Celebrities, often regarded as part of this elite class, are now a new part of conspiracism that has significantly influenced the political world. Celebrities, with large fan bases, are able to get their loyal fans to blindly follow and tag along with anything they decide to share online. Moreover, their high social status, which is almost like a secretive class in society that is only accessible to people of a similar status, makes them likely to be linked into webs of conspiracies. This represents a new element to conspiracies in which we find that the power that celebrities hold can truly go far. If Taylor Swift can get 35,000 people to vote on registration day in 2020, it’s clear that her endorsement could significantly bolster Joe Biden’s electoral prospects, should she endorse him again in 2024.


Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP). 2024. “Gender Differences in Voter Turnout.” New Brunswick, NJ: Center for American Women and Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University-New Brunswick.

Konda, T. M. (2019). Conspiracies of conspiracies: How delusions have overrun America. The University of Chicago Press.

Garthwaite, C., & Moore, T. J. (2012). Can celebrity endorsements affect political outcomes? evidence from the 2008 US democratic presidential primary. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.

McDaniel J. (2023). Taylor Swift Post contributes to record-breaking voter registration …

Millman, E. (2023). Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour is the highest-grossing of all time and first-ever to hit $1 Billion. Rolling Stone.

Rosenblum, N. L., & Muirhead, R. (2020). A lot of people are saying: The new conspiracism and the assault on democracy. Princeton University Press.



Alex Licea
The politics of conspiracy theories, 2024 ed.

Alexandria (Alex) Licea is a fourth year student at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in Psychology and Plan II Honors.