

We welcome unsolicited contributions from individuals/collectives/groups who are engaging on topics both directly and indirectly related to the Politics of Representation, and by extension decolonial thought. As we strive for an interdisciplinary approach, we cover a wide range of topics that may range from political economy to cultural analysis. This may include but is not limited to: theoretical, methodological, reflection, opinion and exploratory pieces.

We publish in formats including: essays, poetry, photo essays, and reviews. Pieces typically range from 1000–1500 words in length, however we also post ‘long reads’ that may be up to 4000 words. As our aim is to create a flexible platform, we are open to alternative formats and will decide on a case-by-case basis.

As our audience is comprised of both academics and practitioners, we recommend that the writing style is aimed for the ‘informed public’ and structured in a manner that is exciting, engaging, and translatable across multiple disciplines.

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit a short abstract (100–200 words) to along with a proposed word count and short bio (and if appropriate, institutional affiliation). We aim to provide an initial response to all potential contributors within two weeks.

We use the UK Creative Commons Licensing agreement for all pieces. However, all rights to the submissions are retained by the author(s), which shall permit the author(s) to request for the submission to be deleted from the our platform at any point, and/or re-posted with another publisher that mandates sole publishing rights.

