
Dedicated to my Nana

Sarah E.


I won’t be at your graveside
I grieve here on my own
Wrestling thoughts that sadden
My soul while I’m alone

I will not hear your voice ring
One last lovely time
Instead I use my imagination
To help me feel you’re mine

You slipped away quietly
One breath and then your last
No suffering, no pain
No fear now you have passed

As you reach your eternal home
You leave us with a prayer
That no matter where we are
You always will be there

Sarah E. Sturgis 2020

This poem was written for and dedicated to my Nana who passed away this early morning. She was a bright soul, a proud mother and wife, and a loving grandmother. She was quiet and petite, but when she spoke it was with reverence, respect, and with a strong will. You could say she knew what she wanted and went for it, not afraid to live the life she wanted. A warm soul, she showed her affection through little gifts and cards. Nana and I often wrote to each other, becoming pen pals in a way. Those notes and cards mean so much now. I will cherish each and every memory, dear Nana. ❤



Sarah E.

Creation is the ultimate & most beautiful form of expression. I enjoy writing poems and rhymes about my daily day-to-day. I hope you enjoy! ☀️