An Apology Never Made

Accept as Done

Lady Foxx


Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash

I have heard tales
And have seen tears
Borne out of misery
For the unexpected
The raw betrayal
The bitter pain inflicted
A life turned down side up
With little empathy shown
Wondering what in existence
Could sow so much grief
And yet live on none the wiser

Now I didn’t just hear
Nay I am Othello’s Iago
Manipulating in my reach
Taking the armed offensive
To the oblivious heart
Performing intricate moves around
None with nary an honest tint
Staining and leaving burnt out
That heart whose crime then
Was trusting evil ministrations
Of a convoluted mindset

Do you then see it with me
For the one wronged
That no amendment came
Nor punity or remedial act
To be free is to accept
The apologies never made
And in the case of a villain
As in foolishness so becomes
Whose act only more harm does
The peace…



Lady Foxx

Lawyer and a Poet!| ♡Reading and Travelling| In writing, I understand....