An Ordinary Woman

Yes, you! Or someone you know!

Divya S


It takes a particularly ordinary woman
To strike out of hot, burning cinders
Of judgment and norms
That stitches the fabric of her life.

It takes a particularly ordinary woman
To stand tall and shout her mind
To a selfish society that
Leaves her no voice with its tyranny.

It takes a particularly ordinary woman
To dream of impossible ventures
Deemed so by inmates
Too cowardly to let other gems shine.

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

It takes a particularly ordinary woman
To go after her ceaseless dreams
That stretch her mind
As she mindlessly meets expectations.

It takes a particularly ordinary woman
To scale peaks, seek treats
When she is forever told
Gutters are what she deserves.

It takes a particularly ordinary woman
To hold her head up high
As filthy hands push
And push her headlong into the dirt.

It takes a particularly ordinary woman
To be bold and take action
As she lives a donkey’s life
Only to be sold and burdened.

It takes a particularly ordinary woman
To say no to the naysayers
And brave against
The continuous feeling of insignificance.

She is a particularly ordinary woman
To peek above mundane rules
To fight walls and abuse
And emerge a heroine of her life.

