As Icarus Fell

Joy B
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2021
Photo by Cory Zue on


Am I falling? How??
That’s not possible; my wings are perfect,
Come on! Pull me up, my precious feather confect!
You are my father’s sweat and pride!
I just want a glimpse of the cotton clouds, of the jagged cliffs,
Of the view beyond the mortal world, of Helios on his revered ride.

I can’t be pulled down; it’s not my time yet,
I love you not, earth, not at all,
I will do all, to fly, even break arms to fret,
I shan’t fall.


Why am I still falling??
It’s these flawed contraptions; they are hideous,
My fate is cursed, and my fellows insidious,
Who suffer from envy, frailty and vile.
Curse you, may you all suffer disease, plight and an eternal drought of amity,
And may you all live and die insignificantly in your puny little isle.

I am not your slave, lady of fate,
I will be the bearer of my own bringing,
I will write my own record at heaven’s gate,
I will not fall.


I shouldn’t be falling still!!
I had just escaped my grisly cage,
I should be angry, yet strangely, I feel no rage.
Against the antagonists who saved me not, I bear no frown,
Rather, I pity their spiritless souls, toiling in their bane,
Trapped without recall, in their ghost town.

I hope my piteous brethren remember,
I wanted to be free, bound by no chains,
I wished to break the bars of ember,
I hope the living ghosts could do the same.


I am still falling, of course. What else was to happen?
My wings which withheld such elegance, have departed.
Had I not followed the path uncharted,
I could have lived,
I regret having slept for so long, not have risen,
And not risked more in my life short-lived.

I may be a fool, and maybe,
I shouldn’t have flown so close to the sun, with wings of wax,
I, however, have seen what no one ever saw, or will see,
I believe this would be the climax of my legend’s acts.


The deep is close; I can see my reflection growing,
On the peaceful sea,
It seems almost eager to accept me into its wraps.
I think it’s time to leave.
I hope the world beyond accepts me,
For my sins, my foolish dreams, for who I am.
Hopefully, my story reaches the ears of a wayward soul in traps,
Hopefully, he heaves, cleaves, breaks and swings to break away from the damned.

As Icarus fell into the sea, he achieved his peace.
As he fell away from the blighted,
He wished their weights be easier to carry.
He wished his brethren to not be lulled and eased,
Icarus fell, hoping to inspire,
But they made his legend, not of inspiration but of wary.



Joy B
Writer for

Just a bunch of atoms drifting through space-time in search of meaning