Asymmetric Dreams

A poem

2 min readSep 20, 2021


Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Sometimes, I wish to be a poet
weaving pictures out of words
sewing metaphors through poems
bringing smiles with similes
empowering heart over mind
visualizing the world in a rhythmic outline.

Sometimes, I wish to be a painter
coloring grief walls with pastels of love
bringing red from beneath of black and white
sketching my way out of the muddle
embellishing pictures without filters
sprinkling the canvas with rainbow glitters.

Sometimes, I wish to be a gardener
nurturing plants with care and warmth
singing to the tulips and daisies on a gloomy day
watching the flowers dance in the rain
watering love from roots to stem
pruning the dead leaves and burying them.

Sometimes, I wish to be a comedian
binding the audience in my play
turning the tears of sorrow into glee
seeking to lessen the distance across their palms
changing that curve on a face
from convex to concave.

Sometimes, I wish to be a photographer
making it not just my hobby but a profession
adjusting the lens and clicking objects in motion
mastering the art of mosaic formation
preaching “it’s not everyone’s cup of tea”
to capture a choppy ocean, a starry night, and a standstill sea.

Sometimes, I wish to be a farmer
growing peas with potatoes and sunflowers with tomatoes
plowing under the heat of the sun and cold of the winters
feeding families across the globe
being an architect to my field and entrepreneur to my crops
fighting the ravage of nature, be it, floods or droughts.




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