Cloud Cities — Chapter 2

Free verse | Log entry — brightness above the clouds

Venkataraman Mahalingam
2 min readSep 18, 2021


I gaze from this kingdom — above which is unfiltered heat. © Venkataraman M


A man from Earth slipped into a strange kingdom in the clouds.
Facing the fact that there was no way back, he slowly sank into depression.
A few days later, he began journaling his time there in an attempt to preserve his sanity.

These tattered journal entries — tied together by a shoelace — were found by a few kids as the pages floated to the ground on a clear sunny day.

Log entry — day 12:

From sunrise to moonset,
life here is perpetually bright.
The sun leers and moon bakes,
Solace in this luminous space, a beautiful sight.

I lean over to peek, atop this cold mass,
To see this giant glide over earth and sea.
Shadows land, cool darkness falls, high up from hell,
Shade cast from this heat that scorches me.

© Venkataraman Mahalingam

Written as part II of an ongoing series of journal entries, inspired by August Microcosm prompt Character vs Environment by Zane Dickens.

Thank you, Christina M. Ward, Samantha Lazar, Michael Hall and Julia Marsiglio, for this lovely platform.

Thank you so much, readers, for your valuable time.



Venkataraman Mahalingam

I write to spark ideas, experiences and narratives floating about—Passionate about a good story, a fun plan & a fresh perspective—RE Bullet 500 is what I ride