Desert Flower

a poem

Michelle "Marno" Arno
1 min readJul 22, 2020


Photo by Daniel Tuttle on Unsplash

She thrives in the heat
Desert flower on a cactus in the sun
She moves slowly and mysteriously
A mirage forming in the distance
Prickly and unreachable

As rain falls, she dances
Reaching out, looking to the sky
Quenching her thirst
Before it all dries up
And the ground cracks beneath our feet

Not much grows around her
A tumbleweed wouldn’t cross her path
No other flowers dare compete for attention
The rain never lasts long enough
For much else to grow anyway

Just the beautiful desert flower
Atop her prickly cactus
Scaring away all else
But the heat from the sun
And sometimes the rain

Response to the Day 22 prompt of Summer of Spilled Words II.



Michelle "Marno" Arno

queer lady writing poetry, stories, and whatever gets me in the feels | check out my work at