Falling In Love For The Third Time

A poem about half-requited love

Nirinda Niatiansya
1 min readJul 12, 2021


Photo by ali Soleimani on Unsplash

My god,
The sheer breeze as you walk past,
the flicking of your cigarette
Making me beg of time to move not as fast
for I was lost, so lost in your forest of green,

Like the color of your shirt, the ends of which I
desperately tugged, “don’t leave just yet”
It’s not fair how I always lose the bet
“I’m not gonna fall in love this time,” I said,

No, I swear,
I swear, angels above,
I now know the difference between a fantasy and real love

But still,
Still to the whistle of innocence I chime
Just like the last time and the time before
Knowing damn well you wouldn’t meet me at the shore,

by dawn
Just like you promised, my love
As those strong hands, which I’ve never touched, clap
for the next lady who dances for the chap



Nirinda Niatiansya

A creative writer from Jakarta who writes made-up, romanticized meanings. Most of the time, she just likes words that sound pretty together.