Father & Daughter

Neha Somani
Published in
Jan 11, 2021
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

He had her back in worst of the time
And he held her hand when things were not right.

To see her flying almost cost him everything.
But a smile on her face kept him going.

With every passing milestone, they were growing old
Little wiser and little better in the game of life…

A daughter is her father’s heart, his world revolves and evolves around her
Her success is his and her pain too…

How come she will not be successful if father is this courageous
Even when he had nothing, he knew she could become something!

Such is a bond of father and daughter
with every passing year they grew a little older and little wiser …

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay



Neha Somani

Developer, poet, writer etc..etc..many roles but at the core — a compassionate & down to earth soul spreading joy & happiness!! 😇😊🦸