POMprompt #21

Life is Amazing with Books and Writers
2 min readDec 3, 2020


Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

What has man made of man?
How true, evinced the great poet.
Man- gifted with bounties
Yet unsatisfied;
With the -
Fire of greed
-Venom of pride
-Acid of Vengeance
-Scythe of selfishness
- Spear of exploitation
- Arrow of lust
- Dagger of deception
All lethal, born of one complex Inferiority,
Rampant goes he in deeds
Of devastation, demolition and degradation,
Submitting the soul to devil’s incantation.
Woe! O Man, to your kind
For axing the very roots, you stand on.

The roots of all our miseries are within all the vices, that we humans perpetuate and succumb to.

@Life is Amazing with Books and Writers 2020

*This is one of my poems written many years ago. With the vaccine on the way to finally release us from the fear of COVID, hope we can also conjure some potions to deplete our negativity and polish our characters into better ones.

Please do share your views about the poem.

Take care and be safe.

From soulful heart to all the poetry lovers.

Thank you The POM for the prompts. Dear readers, please follow the link if you too want to share your words.



Life is Amazing with Books and Writers

Mother, Professor, book worm, poetess, writer of emotions and hushed facts, aspiring fiction writer and a learner till the last breath….