
Four Snapshots of the Job Market

Poems with found text from classified ads

Amanda Laughtland
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2021


Photo by Luis Cortés on Unsplash

Cookie Dough Mixer Wanted

Baker needs someone who enjoys
the smell of cinnamon to help with mixing
a lot of cookie dough, a position
with a lot of responsibility
and a lot of lifting. Move heavy bags
of ingredients, scoop dough into buckets,
stack buckets on pallets. Be paid
to stay in shape. Vacation,
health insurance, cookies included.

Cover Letter

We have mutually beneficial reasons
to meet, given my ten years of preparing
top-quality meals. Taste, ingredients —
I am uncompromising. I serve
wholeheartedly: I used only
one sick day with my last company.
I look forward to putting my dedication
to work in your kitchen. Call me.

Sign Waver Wanted

Do you like people? Do you
want to spend hours outdoors
doing something fun? Help us
promote our…



Amanda Laughtland

Poet, teacher, & zinester. I started The DIY Diaries because I love to read about DIY ideas and projects; I invite you to send us your stories!