
A poem…

Published in
1 min readMay 1, 2021


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Winter has come back again despite being Spring,
and with its return are old feelings,
old things.
Ghosts of the past,
the dead are whispering.
Not my dead,
but the dead musings of old flings,
resentment it seems.

I’m detached yet I feel attacked.
Insults seemingly made about me are broadcasted for the world to see.
It’s left me confused, bazadee.
I could hardly sleep before but now I can’t sleep a wink.
I won’t even say your name because you’re a nobody.
Disgusting, insecure, weak!
Don’t you ever speak on what’s mine or me.

You’re not above the world.
You’re right on the surface.
You’re sinking beneath it.
Like everyone else you want what you can’t have.
You crave what will kill you.
You want to be free yet own others.
If I am Pride then you are Hypocrisy.
I never understood you and you never understood me.




West Indian 🇬🇾🇬🇩. New Yorker. I write when I feel called to do so. Check out my book, “Radiance Lost” on Amazon and my podcast, "Parrotbeetie".