Made in Darkness

Poetry from Myth

Melissa Coffey
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2020


Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

Her affinity with sunlight
does not offer her protection;
nor does the dandelion pollen
on her cheek mark her as exempt
from a deep call, beckoning beneath
her grass-kissed footprints on the hillside

They say she was taken against her will,
yet perhaps she yielded gladly,
Pale blossoms tumbling from her arms
to receive a darker pleasure
Hades’ chariot, erupting from earth
a strange subterranean bloom

Her laughter claimed, her light eclipsed
by a deeper womb than that which bore her
there, fed on darkness in the form of seeds,
Seeds of scarlet, seeds of unborn desires
No longer who she was,
She cannot return to only needing sunlight

Myths and fairytales have beguiled my imagination ever since I was a child. Some, like the Greek myth of Persephone and her abduction down into the Underworld by Hades resonate more deeply, asking me to return to her story again and again…



Melissa Coffey

Wordstruck poet & storyteller. Writing on loss & desire. Published in various journals & anthologies. Lover of prose poetry, art & ekphrasis. EIC @ ArtMusing