My Patched Up Heart

They say time heals all wounds

Michelle Marie Warner


Photo by Victoria_Borodinova on Pixabay

I’ve let my heart get broken far too many times to count. In 2019, I reconnected with a guy I had known briefly in high school and always admired. I was instantly attracted to him the day we met, and that didn’t change when we started talking again 30 years later.

After a year of long-distance phone calls and his ever-changing moods and feelings about me, we finally met again in person. It was awkward at best, tragic at worst. I still had strong feelings for him, and he was distant and unavailable our entire visit.

Two weeks later, around the time I started writing these heart-wrenching poems, he told me not to invest so much time in me, that he couldn’t offer what I wanted or return on my investment. It was strangely familiar to my past relationships with emotionally unavailable people. They want me, and when I want them back, they run.

Well, I survived. The following poem illustrates my process and healing. I hope it resonates and helps one of you heal. Love doesn’t have to hurt. It shouldn’t. So I vow to always keep my heart open for people who are ready for me.

My heart’s been broken many times before you came into my life
It’s not like you’ve inflicted original damage, it’s nothing unique, let’s be clear
I’ve stitched and repaired, endured the pains…



Michelle Marie Warner

Writer of all things personal, socially conscious, sensitive AF, single LGBTQIA+ mom. Ready to bite off more than I've been chewing.