Pay Attention!

A Poem

Chelsia Ortiz
1 min readJun 17, 2020


Photo by Luca Nardone from Pexels

My mind is clouded
Like a rainy day
Pay attention!

Work, clean, cook, referee
All of these responsibilities at my feet
I am drowning

Drowning under the pressure
The suffocating feeling of breathing everyone else’s air
Never having a moment to just be

Eat healthily
Exercise and focus on your weight
Pay attention!

Make more money
Be more attentive to the kids
Stop letting them watch so much TV

Pay attention!
Focus on writing

You’re not giving the kids enough attention again
Don’t you know they need your time?
Pay attention!

Be more intimate
More “in the mood”
Pay attention!

My attention is gone
My focus is thin
I am losing myself

Pay attention!

Criticism, arguments, needs
What about me?
Pay attention!

I can feel myself cracking
Like a rock under the weight of a river
Pay attention!

No time to repair it
Too much to do
Pay attention!

If only they knew
I have no attention left to give



Chelsia Ortiz
Writer for

Chelsia Ortiz is a passionate writer who cares deeply about the mental well-being and health of others.