POMprompt #15 — What Day is It???

a POMprompt poetry prompt

Christina M. Ward
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2020


This new POMprompt is inspired by the following poem:

For those of you just joining us — we are The POM, a poetry pub community. We also have a Facebook page called Poets on Medium (come join us!). We are a supportive community of poets who somehow found each other here on Medium.

The POMprompts are a poetry prompt series. You can find the previous 14 prompts on our publication The POM.

Here’s how it works:

  • I post a bit of babble then give you your poetry prompt challenge in an article marked POMprompt #1,2,3 etc
  • YOU write a poetry response to the prompt
  • TWO things are required on your submission: tag it POMprompt (just type that in where the tags go and hit enter) and copy the link for the POMprompt article you are responding to (there are no time frames so you can do the older ones or newer one — whatever inspires you) and put the link at the bottom of your submission and hit…



Christina M. Ward
Editor for

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