Real Men Don’t Beat Women

Poetry Against Domestic Violence

K A Simran
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2020


Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

Seeing her climbing the
Ladder of success
He becomes savage

He is a gentleman
Not a beast
Or so he says

The truth is he feels insecure
His woman is better than him
To admit this fact
He does not have the courage

He beats her
To hide his own incapability
He loves her painful screams
More than her ability

He forgets one thing
When life takes a turn
No one knows and decides
‘Today’ is making her strong
‘Tomorrow’ will be on her side

Real men don’t beat women
They hold their hands, she says
To walk together
But weak can’t understand this
And so they remain weak forever

©️ K A Simran 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Author of the book The Words available on Amazon.

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