She’s Like Water

Making seedlings grow

Kristi Tarrant


Photo by Dustin Humes on Unsplash

She goes around touching lives,
despite her own pain.
Waking up those around her
to inspire great change.
She does so with fervor and fire,
without desire
for fame or recognition.

She silently does the work
to make those around her better.
Even when her own walls
are crumbling down,
she rises to each occasion.

She finds a way to help people see
beyond blinding limits
She offers the gift of truth,
the water for seeds to grow.

She believes in people
and finds a way to make them believe, too.
Today is not about what you do
it’s simply about YOU.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu | May All Beings Everywhere Be Happy and Free



Kristi Tarrant

Second-time Wifey. Fortune 100 Leader. Blended Fam Mama. Storyteller. Triathlete. Yoga Teacher. I write about: Life | Health | Mindfulness | Self | Leadership