The Other Side of the Window

Mental health musings during a pandemic

Brian Clark
2 min readJun 16, 2021


Image by Shlomaster from Pixabay

I sit beside my window
Look out what’s outside of me
I don’t know what to do now
Is this the place I dream?

The walls are closing in
Clouds are filling the sky
Radar and satellite pictures
Don’t know the reason why

The other side of the window
must have some clues to read
How do I unlock the clues
to find my outside me?

How do I leave this window
and see the light outside?
Is it time to remove the mask
I’ve been wearing all my life?

Fingerprints on my window
This close to the outside
I see the birds around my trees
I wish that I could fly

How do I get to the other side
Do I dare open the door?
How do I start my life again
I’m finally ready for more

I open the window
Smell the fresh air
Feel the breeze kiss my skin
Blowing through my hair

I hear people outside
Wonder what they’re talking about
Kids are playing in the street
I love to hear them shout

I see the chipmunks climb
I watch them jump from tree to tree
I open the screen to get a better look
Is this the place for me?

I can reach the other side
Should I lean all the way out?
I’m so confused right now
I want to release a shout!

How do people do it?
I feel like I’m stuck in here
If I don’t get out right now
I may never get out of here

I have to do it right now
I have to take the chance
To break out of this depressing cycle
And let my life advance



Brian Clark
Writer for

Personal Trainer, Engineering Manager, Poet, Juggler, Struggling Guitarist, Dad & Husband.