The Quiet Is Where You’ll Find It

NatPoWriMo Poetry Challenge

Madeleine Royce
2 min readApr 21, 2021


Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

After hours, months, or maybe years of cold and stillness
At last we can hear a stir
The movement is soft, it is slow, it is weak
But if you slow down long enough, you will feel it

It starts off as just a whisper
Perhaps a feeling
Nothing more

If you nurture it and feed it
It will develop into a roar
But many choose to look away
To pretend it isn’t there

This trick won’t work though
As you will find
Once awoken
The voice must shine

So on and on again, you’ll hear
Hello, it’s me, I’m waiting
Until one day you’re ready
I’ll sit patiently for you

When finally you’ve had enough
You can’t ignore it anymore
You’ll find that what was stirring
What was calling out you name

Well, it was you

And you’ll wrap her up within your arms
Learn all she has to share
You’ll see that acknowledgment and love
Was all she needed to grow

You’ll take small steps together
And at times you may drift apart
But before you know it, you’ll be walking as one
And that’s when you’ll find you’re ready

It’s time to share with the world
The you that you were meant to be
And with one final push of strength
And of courage and of grace

You emerge into the world,
Grown from the heart
And standing secure
With arms raised up, you’ll shout

I have been born again, my friends
I am

This piece is written to complete the April 21st prompt “birth” for The POM’s #NatPoWriMo, a month-long poetry writing challenge.



Madeleine Royce

I write about life. Healing, growing, truly living. Trauma can hold us down, sometimes just sharing your story will set you free.