The Rhyme Of The Big Law Dropout

A poem about life as a BigLaw lawyer

Ryan Spence


They say you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til its gone

But I know now that what I had was wrong.

What I didn’t know then but I realise now.

For so long, a part of myself was kept down.

Be yourself, they would always say

But being yourself just wasn’t the way.

Working from home? Not sure about that

Although you work hard, we’re worried you’ll slack.

But when you’re on holiday do keep an eye.

On emails and phone calls, I’m sure you won’t mind.

Do take your laptop, you know just in case.

Something comes in that really can’t wait.

Your wellbeing, of course, we really do care.

But still, check your phone, if not we’ll go spare.

Your office presence has not been consistent.

We should sit down and discuss your commitment.

The hours you bill are king in our game.

We really should change that but still all the same.



Ryan Spence

life coach for lawyers and corporate professionals | author | yoga teacher | podcaster | BigLaw dropout. 💫 Twitter & IG: @iam_ryanspence