The Squiggle

A poem about getting older

Sarah Courtney Burry
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2021


Photo by Tara Evans on Unsplash

I woke today a squiggle
I want to be a line
My back is very twisted
My neck is not so fine

I tried to smooth the edges
To pull those ends apart
But when I grabbed my ankles
I gave that line a start

The squiggle she did tighten
Into an angry ball
I ran into the bathroom
But there I had a fall

I bounced right through the doorway
And landed with a sigh
I rolled across the bathroom tile
And kissed that line goodbye

For now that line is twisted
At least that’s how it feels
My squiggle is quite frazzled
Let’s hope that I can kneel

I gently try to rub my knots
And pray my ends don’t fray
I slowly pick my squiggle up
And test that it’s okay

I check myself from head to toe
I suppose it could be worse
I’m still one big, fat tangled mess
Old age…



Sarah Courtney Burry

5X top writer. I love to use satire and humor. I write about travel, politics, family, feminism, sports, health & music. So, basically everything.