Treasuring Our World

Zoe Lee
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2020


The earth,

This glorious blue-green marble of wonder,

Of life, of love, of awe,

What an odd treasure we both hold and disregard,

One we take for granted (and for granite),

mining it clean for resources

while not understanding its role

in keeping us together.

This world,

which we took for granted while traveling,

seeing the amazing topography

its features created

and the features we created on it.

Cultures, geography, geology,

and interconnectedness,

all a bit more distant from us now

that we must “shelter in place”

and treasure what we have.

Is it possible that this pandemic,

this disaster of immense proportions

and so many unknown effects,

could have the effect of our caring more

not just for each other

but for the earth too?

Less wasteful travel,



Zoe Lee

I wear many hats: mechanical/space engineer, friend, traveler, artist, writer & philosopher. Find some of my travel stories at!