
Some chaos bring calm too

Meghna N
1 min readJun 4, 2021


Photo by USGS on Unsplash

The evening sun sets and the moon rises,
Marking the end of the day
I relax on my favourite couch,
And begin to unwind.

The thoughts! O, dear!
Keep flowing like a perennial river,
And before I could even realise
I am caught in the whirlpool

My thoughts leap around like a frog,
My mind racing to catch up,
The various emotions being thrown,
As though all gates of the mind had been opened.

I struggle to swim through the waves,
With each struggle, they hit harder
And I realised these were like the Devil’s Snare,
The more you struggle, the more difficult to get out

I sit there, amidst the chaos,
Letting the waves pass.
And with each passing wave,
The whirlpool got calmer.

And finally, it vanished,
My mind restored with peace
Lighter, than it had been a while ago
And I felt a strange sense of calm.

This poem is in response to the POMprompt#27: Let it flow by The POM. Please check out the prompt below.
Thank you Christina M. Ward for this opportunity

