What We Are?

free verse poetry

James G Brennan
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2020


Photo by Perchek Industrie on Unsplash

The continual strive
To find peace within ourselves,
What role our existence
Plays in the universe?
What our purpose is?
The need is ours to fulfil
This burning desire.

What of the day when we reach this desire?
Will we cease the fight
To better, to go on?
Or to take on
A new state of awareness?
Total fulfilment,
Supreme satisfaction with ourselves.

To love our life,
To feel our life,
To live our life.

And so on to understand all that exists,
Not just to look at creation,
But to actually see it in all its glory.
Respecting all that lives,
And all that does not.

Until this time of understanding
Unfolds unto ourselves,
Our awakening,
Then we shall give
Respect and honour to all that exists.

Thank you, Christina M. Ward and the POM team for giving my words a platform… Thank you all for reading and your valuable time. J.



James G Brennan

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.