Wishful Night

A nonet to etheree poem

Chelsea Marie


Magic embers scorch a dizzying
dance through hushed navy night’s dim light.
They are fireworks’ soothing twin
without the jarring boom
of choreographed
jarring us
from the
of calm,
quiet night.
Give us stillness,
soft and sweet against
these sensitive eardrums
raw from the cacophony
of traffic and chatter and strife.
Give us scintillating nature lights.
Give us this reassuring wishful night.

© Chelsea Marie 2021

Nonets and Etheree poems are a bit like identical twins when one twin decides to get a buzz cut while the other has long flowing locks. Nearly the same, but you may have to tilt your head to see it.

A nonet has nine lines, with the first line containing nine syllables. Each line decrease in syllables by one, until you get to the last line which is just one monosyllabic word.



Chelsea Marie

Introvert, writer, wanderer, wonderer ... obsessed with creating writing prompts and poetry. Follow me for your 3X weekly dose of inspiration!