

Inspiration sprouting from The POM reading event

Amy Jasek
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2021


Black and white photo of a man in a suit reading a book on a park bench, looks like he is really concentrating on it
Central Park, NYC (2012) | Medium Format Film | Photo by author

He makes bread in the morning.
The yeast needs time to breathe.
It rises to the occasion;
it takes all day.

The yeast takes time, breathing,
becoming something new.
It takes all day,
ruminating in warmth.

Becoming something new
is never an easy process.
Ruminating in warmth
comforts the agony of growth.

It’s never an easy process,
but change is necessary,
a part of life, ongoing.
Comfort can be found in the growing.

Change can be necessary,
rising to the occasion,
a part of ongoing life:
it takes its time.

Here’s a bonus photo of the bread. . . . a phone shot gussied up with the Hipstamatic app (made from scratch by my other half, because we have a new bottle of special olive oil to try)

