Welcome To Rock Club

Michael Robert
The Pop Culture Guide
3 min readOct 7, 2021
Photo by Fedor on Unsplash

Welcome to Rock Club! You’re probably wondering — what is Rock Club and is it a club about rock climbing? Despite its foundation being based in Denver — no, it has nothing to do with rocks or mountains. Unless you mean mountains of rock music albums waiting to be enjoyed.

Rock Club is about the love of music — particularly rock and roll. Rock Club, in its most simplistic and excellent form, is this: a group of friends sharing their 5-song theme-focused playlist. In actuality, it is much more than a playlist. It’s an event. It’s a gathering of friends. It’s a reason to celebrate. It’s a deep appreciation and ode to the greatness of music.

Before I take you into the basics, you’ve got to understand the history of Rock Club to truly appreciate and enjoy what has become a cherished tradition and regular meeting among friends.

Humble Beginnings

Rock Club can trace its roots to Chicago before 2013. One of the founding Denver members, Mike K. was a participant of an early group of friends who would come up with a theme, create a 5-song playlist around that theme, and then hang out together and listen to each other’s playlists. Simple as that (although sometimes the theme itself was not so simple.)

Perfected in Denver

In 2013, Rock Club truly expanded into what it is today. After Mike K. moved to Denver in 2012, he and his new friends in Denver got very excited after he mentioned the idea as something they should replicate in Denver.

So, in the very first meeting, of the now officially titled Rock Club in December 2013, a group of five friends met and launched a new tradition. Since Rock Club Vol. 1 in December 2013, Rock Club has expanded to a group of upwards of 12 people, and has occured 40 times as of March 2022.

Each meeting is titled the next Volume, and each Volume had a new theme. With each meeting, new mini-games and house rules were established. Trophies were created, given, and lost. Beers were drunk. Bottles shattered at the feet of those gutsy enough to wear sandals in a garage. Shots were consumed. Snowball fights in typical Colorado surprise blizzards occurred. Oh, and countless club-ending visits to Taco Bell were completed. We are still waiting on our corporate sponsorship from Taco Bell.

Expanded Online

In late 2018 the idea was planned, and brought to fruition in 2019, to expand the Rock Club platform. As one of the early members moved out of Colorado — and another founding member would soon follow suit in 2019 — it was decided by Mike M. that it would be fun to create an expanded platform to give true life to Rock Club. With some secretive help from Mike K, here you are today.

This publication’s intentions are to act as a place for fans of music to take the idea of Rock Club and make it their own, wherever they are.

I (Mike M.) hope that by making this publication, I can create a place for music fans to share our passion together and inspire others to make a new Rock Club chapter. If you do, share it with us and we’ll give you a platform to share your chapter’s story and playlists as well.

How to Properly “Rock Club”

There’s no wrong way to experience the essence of Rock Club other than adhering to the following basic structure:

  • Pick a theme
  • Pick five songs
  • Listen to that playlist with your friends together (preferably in a garage with copious amounts of Miller High Life).

To learn more about some fun house rules and games Rock Club Denver rolls with, please read those here.

With all this said, we hope you’ll join us in celebrating music and take up the challenge of expanding Rock Club with your friends where ever you are.




Michael Robert
The Pop Culture Guide

Publisher of The Pop Culture Guide, Choosing Eco, and Tales of a Solopreneur. Editor for Climate Conscious. Writer and communications consultant.