The Fatherhood Story

The Story of Fatherhood goes far beyond making a baby…

The PopLyfe


What is the Story of Fatherhood? Depending on what type of father you had growing up, the story of fatherhood means different things to different people. Kids learn, just by the experience of their mother and father’s involvement, that men and women are different and have different ways of dealing with the joys and obstacles of life. One thing dedicated fathers and the families who support them will tell you, the Story of Fatherhood goes far beyond “making a baby”…

The Story of Fatherhood is Being Present

It’s the story of a man whose dad wasn’t around to teach him
how to tie his own tie, but proudly helped his own son with his first one.

It’s the dad who takes a few minutes out of his day to make his kid’s brown paper lunch bag an inspired piece of art they can show off to their friends…

It’s the story of the father who raises a daughter by himself, yet learns and teaches her everything she needs to know about being a lady.

It’s showing their daughters how to recognize and maintain healthy relationships with men by being accessible and present in their lives.

The Story of Fatherhood is Nurturing

It’s the dad that watches videos on YouTube to learn how to do a french braid.

It’s letting his daughter do his hair so she learns how to nurture others too.

It’s the story of the dad that teaches his son how to make “car sounds” when he’s playing with his Hot Wheels.

It’s cheering them on, showing them how to win with grace and lose with a determination to do better next time.

The Story of Fatherhood is Being Involved

It’s the story of the dad who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the newest addition to the family or change their diaper before a worn out mom has to ask.

It’s the story of the father who is genuinely interested, not just in contributing to the joy of their children’s lives, but also caring enough to be “fun-killer daddy”, teaching children the consequences of right and wrong.

The Story of Fatherhood is Being The Smile Maker

It’s the story of the dad who gets down on all four knees, crawls around, chases, tickles, growls and wrestles with his son like a lion and his cubs.

It’s taking the time to sit down with his baby girl for an unscheduled tea party after he gets home from work.

And yes, this story even includes the father that grins and high fives his son when he farts or burps when mom’s not around.

The PopLyfe is a Brand that Celebrates Dads.
What’s your story of fatherhood?

I’m Sean, the founder of The PopLyfe Shop, a lifestyle brand that promotes and supports responsible fatherhood and proud dads.
You should give me a follow on Twitter: @sean505

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The PopLyfe

Founder & Designer of goods at The PopLyfe Shop | Design Junkie, Father & Football Fanatic. @sean505 | @PopLyfeShop |